Saturday, 28 June 2008

One Day Old

Because two kittens had been born without me seeing them, I'm not sure who was first out. I thought it was the tabby, based on how wet the little black one was still, but looking at their weights on day one, I think I may have it wrong! I think I'll weigh them once a week, to see how they grow. After studying the faces of the two tabbies for ages, trying to make out if I had two shots of the same cat or one of each, I finally discovered a difference between them. One has little white paws!

Kitten One, 140g
Kitten Two, 150g
Kitten Three, 130g
Kitten Four, 125g

Mama cat is doing really well, she's been up and out of bed this morning, drank a huge bowl of kitty milk and ate some gourmet food.

Friday, 13 June 2008

Squeal! It's Arrived!

My Shutterfly book arrived and I am so happy with it! It feels like a real book, the cover is all shiny and the pages feel lovely, I can see some shots where I could have colour corrected a bit better, but that's because I'm nit-picking! Oh, and it's purely chance that the little guy is wearing the same tee shirt!

Sunday, 8 June 2008

Party Time!

So we had the little guy's birthday party today. We hired a fabulous bouncy castle, which proved to be very popular with all the kids on the street, they had great fun coming to bounce with us. They really are worth their weight, from the youngest (3) to the oldest (13), everyone loved it!
Of course, my Spider-Man-Mad son decided MONTHS ago he would have a Spider-Man cake, and if I say so myself, I think the result was pretty good! Thanks Nana for all those little spiders you put in his card, they helped to decorate the cake perfectly!

He's a pro at blowing his candles out...

How awesome is this castle?

Oh, and I was super chuffed to finally be able to make my flower-pot bread rolls, with sun-dried tomato, basil and mozzarella cheese - yum!

Now I'm off to have a piece of left-over chocolate tart... Ooh!

Friday, 6 June 2008

My Little Guy is 3!

Happy Birthday, little man! I can't believe how time flies, I remember my daughter's third birthday as if it was yesterday, and now my son is three. Crazy. He had a fabulous day, starting with present and card opening, at preschool he handed out his Spider-Man sweets, we came home and builded his pool (as he put it) and then he was just too knackered for anything else so he slept! After picking big Sis up from school they played in the garden with the pool, and I got cracking on his Spider-Man cake. We're having the family round for lunch on the weekend, it should be fun!

Pumping his own space-hopper up...he's a big boy now!

Spider-Man jammies, Spider-Man card, can we say Spider-Man-Mad?

Monday, 2 June 2008

One of those rare moments...

They're not often this co-operative, in fact, in took quite a bit of bribery to get this shot, but it's worth it.

Okay, something very weird is happening with this shot. my little Feedjit gadget shows me who visits my blog and how they got here. And this post is my most viewed post, from people who Google "One of those Rare Moments". So, I thought I'd say hello to you all, world visitors. Do you like this picture? Why were you Googling "One of those rare Moments"? What kind of image were you looking for? I am just curious, and I'd love for you to leave a comment.

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Mother, wife, photographer, crafter, scrapbooker, painter of murals, dabbler. Sometimes in that order, sometimes reversed! Trying to juggle all of them and having a ball in the process.

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