The Birth of an Elf Postman
I got my husband to take a few pictures while I was making my newest elf. He's carrying a little satchel of post and blowing his bugle - my most ambitious elf to date! He still needs shorts and legs, but here he is in the making...His postbag is still empty, it will get some letters.
I tried something a little bit different with these two. It didn't quite work out the way I was hoping, but still, for a first attempt I'm happy...
...not quite 1:12 scale, but where the big one is an ornament, the little one is a garden gnome =) Only thing is, now they need painting!
3 comments, come on, leave me some love!:
Saw your feature. Nice one :) They'll be signing you up on the design team before you know it!
Those pixies are too cute, love the teensy one!
They are so sweet!
Jo, do you want teh pattern for the kitchen step ladder? (the swirls on the side is a sticker...)
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