First Day of Big School, take two...
So, here we are, one week later, and it's Liam's turn to be in the spotlight! He has been looking forward to today for weeks and weeks, and ever since the days could fit on his fingers he's been counting them down - and was super excited to say he didn't need his pinky anymore when it got down to one hand! He has a wonderful group of classmates, many of whom are the younger siblings of Holly's classmates, and of course, the same fabulous teacher that Holly had in Reception Year.Here he is with his best friend and their teacher.
And I got the inspiration for this shot from Julie, a fellow Pea who's son started big school last week. Is this the last time his clothes and bookbag will ever look this neat? One for the scrapbook, I'm sure. Remind me to take the 'after' shot at the end of the year, to compare!
2 comments, come on, leave me some love!:
He looks super excited. Thank you for sharing that with me.
Just popped in to say a welcome "hello" back and had a big shock, in October we will be putting George's name down for Worplesdon!!! We are moving to the village in November (hopefully!) small world eh?!!!
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