Larks on a Wire!
I usually do reading with the Year Two's on a Wednesday morning. But last Wednesday, my daughter's teacher asked me if I would like to help with a project - the student teacher who has been with them for a term is leaving on Friday, and they would like to give her a card. They would like it to be something that each child can contribute towards. Do I have any ideas?
Well, I had this one...Each class in the school is named after a bird. My daughter is in Larks class. So, I thought, why not get each kid to draw a lark, cut them out, and place them all on a telephone wire, the way birds do. I misjudged quite how big the card would have to be to accommodate 30 birds drawn on an A6 piece of paper, but I thought making one long card was a fun way to do it, rather than one huge A1 card. It concertinas into five sections, and I made an envelope to fit using the stripy wall paper.
I found the cute red alpha stickers for 99p, and with some dollhouse floor strips for the poles, black embroidery floss for the wire and each child's very creative, very original little lark, I think the result is simply fabulous! They also wrote little notes to Miss Taylor which I've stuck on the back of the card. It's been fun putting it all together, and taking kids a few at a time to work on it without Miss Taylor seeing us... although I'm pretty sure she's onto us - there's nothing like a bunch of suspicious looking 7 year olds to pique your interest! They're giving it to her on Friday, and I can't wait to hear what she thinks of it!
6 comments, come on, leave me some love!:
What a lovely idea! How sweet :) I love how many different Larks you can get and not one look the same!
Brilliant idea - of course they are all different as the children are, so this is a great way of reminding her of all the little individuals she is leaving behind.
It's avery good idea and I love the result. Congratulations.
Hi Jo! We have just found out that George will be starting at Worplesdon in September, we are so excited, I love reading about the things your kids do there (I love reading about your crafty bits too lol!!)
Charlotte x
If I were Miss Taylor this would make me cry. Heck, I have tears in my eyes anyway! What a great idea- I bet she keeps this for years and years.
Wow jo! That's a super cute idea!!
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